[♡]some really effective/low intensity calf slimming exercises [♡]
Quick Calves
For this stretch, you will get into a plank position with your elbows and feet on the ground. After you are in position, push your right heel backwards and hold for 2-3 seconds.
Repeat the stretch with your left heel and hold for 2-3 seconds. 20 reps
Standing Toe Up Achilles Stretch
For this stretch, you will be standing straight up facing a wall. Place your hands on the wall around shoulder height and place your toes against the wall while the ball of your foot remains on the ground. Lean forward and hold for 8-10 seconds.
repeat 10 times with each foot
Plantar Flexion Stretch
For this stretch, you will begin on your knees with your toes pointed outwards on the floor. After you are in position, slowly begin to sit back on your heels by lowering your butt towards your feet.
After you are low enough, sit down on your heels and hold for 5-8 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Downward Dog
For downward dog, you will begin by getting into a plank position, except your butt and lower back will be as high as you can get it with your fingers pointed outwards.
The key here is to have your heels completely on the ground, so be sure to stretch as far as you can. After your heels are as close as you can get them to the floor, hold the stretch for 8-10 seconds and repeat this 10 times.
Heel Dip Stretch
For this stretch, you will need a box, brick or a chair to stand on. After you find something to stand on, step up on it with your right heel hanging off and your toes on the box. Your left foot can be completely on the box.
After you are in position, drop your right heel towards the ground and hold for 8-10 seconds. Switch position and stretch your left calf. Repeat this stretch 5 times with each calf.
Forward Fold
Just touch your toes 15 times, or get as close as possible.
Leg Cycle
Move your legs in the air in either a clockwise or counter clockwise motion for 1 minute.
Ankle Rotation
Each foot 30 times
douyin videos:
end of thread do these every night
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