“80% of likely Ohio voters want their lawmakers to repeal HB6,” the nuclear energy bailout tied to the Larry Householder bribery scandal.

New polling research from Coalition to Restore Public Trust, led by @MichaelPHartley and @fritzwenzel
This polling covers presidential feelings in Ohio, too:

44.7% favorable
46.8% unfavorable

44.7% favorable
48.4% unfavorable
AND, @GovMikeDeWine polled very favorably: "70% favorable, which is strong."
After Householder's corruption scandal, 52.7% of likely Ohio voters are now "more likely" to support repeal of HB6.

57% of Democrats, 49% of Republicans and 52% of independent voters all support the repeal of HB6.
25% of likely Republican voters in Ohio said in this poll that Householder's corruption scandal "makes no difference" whether they support repeal of HB6.

That's compared to 18% of Democrats and 18% of independents.
These are the scientific qualifications of the Coalition to Restore Public Trust poll.
Strategist @MichaelPHartley says these poll results mean "Ohioans smell a skunk & HB6 must be removed because it's corrupt. If it's good policy or not, that's to be debated — but it's corrupt.

The citizens of Ohio, when they feel duped by their gov't, they get very very angry."
@fritzwenzel: "HB6 will play a very significant role in November elections.

By a ratio of more than 3:1, voters said they are less likely to vote for their local Rep/Senator, if they discover (that person) originally voted FOR HB6, the nuclear plant bailout."
Wenzel: "A similar percentage, 46% said they would be less likely to support their Rep/Senator in the election...if they learn (that person) now opposes a repeal of HB6.

So if you supported it before...(or) oppose repeal now, you're significantly less likely to be re-elected."
Former Ohio House Speaker Larry @HouseholderOH polls at just 7% favorability vs. 49% unfavorable (46% have "no opinion").

Wenzel: "I have been polling for 29 years. I have never seen numbers this bad, for any political figure in any controversy...they're as bad as it gets."
Wenzel says that's worse than President Clinton during the Lewinsky scandal, or Bob Taft in Ohio in 2006.

"The problem with @HouseholderOH is...he's not built a statewide constituency...base of political support. So when things went sour, he was left with absolutely nothing."
Btw, in the Central Ohio region 83% of likely voters want to see HB6 repealed in some way or another.

Central and Southeast Ohio are the regions *most* in favor of repeal.
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