Some ways to avoid hateful scorn and derision of our political adversaries and to grow in love for them:

1. Remember that they have the same kind of sinful nature we do, looking for too much satisfaction in the things of the world. They just sin differently than we do.
2. Try to sympathize with their human condition and longings. They want many good things. But their desires lead them to foolish choices, which should lead us to have compassion for them. They are under the enemy’s assault.
3. Remember that they are made in God’s the image of God, which means we must treat them with respect, honor and love, even when they’re badly or dangerously wrong.
4. Remember your own sins, which are not fundamentally different from theirs (concupiscence; inordinate desire) and how much Christ has forgiven you. Remembering your sin and Christ’s love and mercy toward you will help you to forgive them and to be patient with them.
5. Remember God is sovereign over everything our political opponents might accomplish. Yes, speak the truth boldly in love. Vote wisely. But remember that God is directing all things. We don’t need to hang our hope of social salvation on stopping our political opponents.
6. Stop listening so much to talking heads that incessantly revile & berate your political opponents, inciting you to join them in their scorn. We should flee from the presence of fools. I’m not saying don’t ever hear them. I’m saying what Psalm 1 says.
7. Befriend someone of the opposite political viewpoint (in real life). Get to know them. Really listen to them. Ask lots of questions. Share Christ with them. Talk to them about His truth and the way He sees the world. Set an example of truth in love to the glory of God.
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