⚠️“Children are... almost immune from this disease.” ~Trump on August 5th.

Reality since May:

📌Cases in kids ⬆️700% (2x higher than overall)

📌Hospitalizations in kids ⬆️356% (3x overall)

📌Deaths in kids ⬆️229% (2x overall)

(HT @CAPAction) #COVID19
2) Here is the stat of 700% increase for cases in kids from video above.
3) Here is the stat of 356% increase for #COVID19 hospitalizations in kids from video above.
4) Here is the stat of 229% increase for deaths from #COVID19 in kids from video above.
6) Also good reminder that young adults also at risk of severe outcomes if hospitalized. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1305786681853915138
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