there is one thing that i hate a lot about facebook, and its very personal
suppose someone in your life dies or you have a falling-out. if you've interacted with them a large portion of times, the site's software will repeatedly resurface or prioritize content associated with them. they will show up first when a bunch of people "like" something
there's no easy way to stop it or turn it off. its emblematic of the site's biggest failing, which is its insistence that it knows what is right for you and that you cannot make your own choices.
moreover, every time you think you've figured out a way to manage your content, there's some kind of update and you have to re-learn the user interface.
i'm only there for the same reason everyone else increasingly is: the social graph. its a giant address book. most of the positive value i get out of it just comes from the enormous amount of meme pages i follow
here's one btw
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