What can people outside the USA do to pressure our state to intervene?

Canada enjoys the reputation of peacekeeper. Going places to defend human rights. Sure it's a flawed and arrogant boast in a lot of ways, but could we make it work NOW?
Where's the international coalition of the willing that's ready to band together and threaten the USA as a geopolitical entity in an effort to liberate its downtrodden constituents?

What's the UN doing these days? How about a rescue mission on those ICE camps?
I know I'm being naive, even for me. I'm just a musician who works at a doughnut store, I don't have answers. But i do have questions.

I grew up watching so many movies about daring missions to rescue innocent captives from monstrous regimes. What was that about.
Sometimes a big climactic moment in the propaganda film would be the lone wolf hero assassinating the cruel dictator or his executive as an aside during the rescue mission.

All I'm saying is, it served a purpose in that narrative.
idk just hoping some world leaders see this thread and it gives them a few ideas. we should liberate Americans from their government, pass it on.
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