Looking at my chart this morning for sources of stress and fell on one I hadn't considered before: ♈ Mars in 10H trine ♐ Saturn (and Venus) in 6H.

Trines are supposed to be "good", right?

Here's how they can manifest as stressful for me. (Thread)

I naturally and easily take the lead in initiating (♈ Mars) the building of big-picture processes and plans (♐ Saturn). With Venus conj Saturn, they also tend to be elegant, or refine existing processes.

Stress comes in when I am blocked from any point of the above.
If I cannot:
- Be in charge
- Access the info needed to see the big picture
- Create structure or improve an existing one
- Make it pretty or elegant

Then the "easy" energy of the trine feels blocked. A thing I do as a matter of fact does not have expression.
As @SagittarianMind has said, that aspect exists regardless of the house. It is definitely an aspect I live out in multiple areas of my life, not just in those of the 6H and 10H.

That being said...it does add extra stress when I'm unable to exercise all of that energy at work.
The point of this thread is to say, just because an aspect is "good" or "harmonious" doesn't mean it can't be a source of stress.

It can turn into the frustration of "This should/could be so easy! Why can't they see it! Why won't they let me do it!"

Two sides to every coin.
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