I remember how back in 2009, DHS released a report warning that right-wing extremist groups would try to capitalize on fears about immigration, racism, and an economic downturn for recruitment purposes, comparing it specifically to how McVeigh was radicalized. https://twitter.com/colinpclarke/status/1305657807216300033
The tl;dr was that things could be like the 90s, but worse because of the internet https://fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf
A big part of the backlash was that conservatives argued that they were being targeted by Obama. But the truth is that DHS had just issued a similar assessment on the threat of left-wing extremist groups months earlier. https://fas.org/irp/eprint/leftwing.pdf
The backlash to the 2009 report is one of those things that made me *truly* realize how much more Republicans cared about holding power than they did about doing the right thing. They knew their backlash was contrived. They knew it was opening the floodgates to a right-wing ...
... extremist groups, a resurgence in the militia movement. But this was a chance to score some quick points against Obama, so they did, fully aware where ignoring these threats could lead.
But anyway, here we are in 2020 and DHS is *actually* using the department for partisan purposes, trying to suppress reports that “make the president look bad” (actual quote from a whistleblower). And right-wing media is still playing the same game. https://www.mediamatters.org/trumprussia/how-fox-news-dismissing-new-dhs-whistleblower-report-against-trump-and-covering-its-own
So when I see people ask questions like “When will politicians/media/etc. hit a breaking point with the country’s slide into fascism?” I look back at stuff like this and realize the answer is never.
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