So according to @HDFCBank_Cares a loan closed in 2017, 3 years ago, had accounting errors on the part of the bank. Nobody looked at it for 3 years. They didnt close the loan, they didn’t contact the customer. No EMIs were due. Suddenly in 2020 they woke up
Did @HDFCBank_Cares contact the customer and say ‘hey we made an error’? NO. Guess what? Geniuses to cover up their lack of basic accounting skills decide to put a LIEN on my bank account THREE years after the last EMI has gone. WITHOUT EVER HAVING CONTACTED THE CUSTOMER
I’m like wait a minute, what EMI, WHAT LOAN? Cos of course I have no loans taken. I send repeated queries over 3-4 months. Mysteriously every time I send a query asking what the lien amount is for, it mysteriously disappears from the account. Someone’s trying to cover their arse
So I seriously want to know what @HDFCBank_Cares was doing for 3 years and why they have woken up now. Have emptied out all my bank accounts and shifted to another bank. They're welcome to keep the lien. But I won’t pay until I have a detailed statement of their accounting errors
And I have no clue whether this sudden claim they have is trustworthy because if @HDFCBank_Cares didnt calculate it in year end closing over 3 years, what made it show up now? Just basically everyone in the bank was stupid till now is it? Really wonder how safe the bank is
UPDATE: I have informed @HDFCBank_Cares that they need to send me NO DUES certificates (thanks to @atuleo ) for all and any loans against my account over the last 22 years. When I receive all of them pending this one, I will clear this payment due.
I will also be closing all @HDFCBank_Cares accounts after 22 years with immediate effect. About time. Terrible service and their motto clearly should be ‘too big to care’.
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