All of this. Not every asylum seeker is an angel, not every benefits recipient is honest, not every claim of oppression is unmotivated. Pretending they all are just leads to crappy, sterile debates and polarisation.
I've never said anything about Trans rights - other than retweeting good news stories of people being liberated to be themselves - because I don't know enough about it. But if asking 'what do we do about small proportions of people who aren't in good faith' is controversial, we..
..are encouraging and falling into the same polarisation as people who will (in bad faith!) leap on responses which something as 'unsayable' in order to undermine the very rights we celebrate.
The big threat to the amazing victories of the swell of human rights, freedoms, and liberation we've seen in our lifetimes (and I hope will continue to see) is those who consider this flowering of human potential dangerous and evil.
Another, secondary risk is those who defend the advances we've made so blindly that they undermine the project and ignore both legitimate concerns and ordinary human discomfort at the new.
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