A short thread about erm, a Gazebo.

One of the (many) lies repeated about me refers to me owning a £500/£1000/£1200 gazebo.

So let’s put this straight first.

This one lie, repeated by the same people, ensured I had messages sent to me calling me “vile scum”... 1/8
The evidence was based on a screenshot of a Facebook post. Now most sensible people know, if you put “£1,234” in the price bit, you’re seeking the best offer.

You also probably know a basic gazebo as pictured in the first tweet, costs between £40-80 on eBay... 2/8
I had another man (who now knows the truth), tell me there’s a “special place in hell for people like you” - because of a lie, peddled by obsessed trolls.

Not nice, is it?

I often let this shit go by. My friends know me, many have met me, I generally couldn’t give a toss. 3/8
But, we have to take a stand at some point. When the same people are spreading the same lies, you have to question their true agenda.

Don’t get me wrong, the support vastly outweighs the nastiness, and you cannot put a price on someone investing their trust in you... 4/8
This is the 3rd lie that has been smashed out of the water, I’ll get round to all of them eventually, but I prioritise trying to tweet useful info, putting my options out on a blog, making videos and memes, and supporting my friends, before addressing smears... 5/8
If you get bored, put “ @Rachael_Swindon gazebo” in to the Twitter search engine.

Trolls are rapidly deleting their tweets claiming I have a big posh gazebo, I kept their receipts. I’ll get round to them.

And I never travel alone. 6/8
And to answer a few others questions: No, it’s not still for sale, yes, it sold for £60, no, I still don’t have a gazebo, yes a disabled person is allowed to buy a cheap gazebo, and no, I can’t believe I need to say this either.

So please, don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Question everything, but question those who deserve an inquisition.

Thanks for your solidarity folks, literally thousands of you have stuck up for me, and it won’t be forgotten x ✊🏻

You can follow @Rachael_Swindon.
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