Thank you for making this post. It really exposed how some Black people have bought into capitalism and don't know what they doing. A lot of people were honest and said they had no interest helping poor Black folks.
They can't even see they would not be able to flip in the suburbs because they are poor also. Thats an issue people don't want to identify as poor because of stigma. I'll also leave this here for the 100th time.
Read that study. Myth #2 ,is relevant to this thread. We need to understand that bootstrapping and capitalism isn't going to make us whole. We need to continue to take our grievances to the people that owe us.
THIS IS NOT A PLUG FOR THE SODA MOVEMENT. Be an entrepreneur, Invest in real estate to your hearts content but dont take your ire out on your Black folks because we only have 3% of the wealth in this nation. REPARATIONS NOW.
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