My Online Learning Journey - a thread
This journey begins six months ago. A period in which the world changed in a heartbeat. None of us were ready, none of us knew what to expect, and humanity was suddenly riddled with uncertainty.
It was during this period that everyone was held in a state of quarantine which ultimately led to the creation of online learning for the greater convenience of the population, or so we thought.
To me, the change was, at first, refreshing. Online learning gave birth to new ideas and features we have never before seen. It wasn’t so bad. We no longer needed to leave the comfort of our home too.
A lot of us were excited, the transition was seemingly flawless, everything was in order and it felt like nothing could go wrong. That’s until we start looking beyond the façade of it’s beauty.
At this point in the story, online learning just plunged from a state of wonder to a state of absolute disarray. Problems surfaced exponentially day by day as time progressed and it lost its charm.
After experiencing a full term of online learning I took a moment to ask myself what I’ve learned. Instead of coming up with answers, I was instead, puzzled with why I have nothing in mind.
The absurdity of spending tens of thousands for an entire term of online education without actually learning anything sounded so ridiculous that I actually wondered if I was the problem.
That wasn’t the only thing that made the experience so unfathomably bad though. Tasks came in nonstop 24/7, modules presented themselves out of nowhere. The human brain could only handle so much.
My sanity was gradually decaying due to the fact that I could hardly keep up with everything that’s been going on. My mom was paying for me to learn but I wasn’t learning and it scared me.
Apart from that, I would hear about news from across the country about how much online learning has been affecting everyone else. It’s actually dismaying to imagine how hard it is for other people.
Conclusion, online learning has just been garbage. In no way are we ready for such a drastic change like this and I am adamant in the idea of an academic freeze. I don’t get why not and I never will.
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