Delicious first lines in flash that made me go WHATTT:

A thread.

In no particular order and w/o links to the original piece because of their awesome first line-y standalone goodness (but gimme a shout if you want the link to the story.)

#amreading #writingcommunity

“To survive a nuclear blast, you need to be at least 3 feet underground.” - @BrownLornab

“There are two rules in this house: the first rule is that Mama will always love my dead sister more than me.” - @C_Hartsuyker

“Later they said this is where it started, when he became a bad kid; but really, he was just pissed his square pizza was cold and that it flopped between his hands like a floundering fish.” - @LoebDavon

“My name is Phineas and if I can get the pose right, a photograph of me will appear in the 1979-80 Ridgid Tools Two-Year wall calendar.” - @pdforan

“In the Summer of his 42nd year, D.B Welk was awarded the Pritzker prize in architecture for conceiving a futuristic apartment building in Denver, Colorado with no parking spaces and no units larger than 300 square feet.” - @WKoewing

“I was six years old when my mother strapped me into the buggy of her bicycle and steered us both into oncoming traffic on the stretch of road behind the Mulberry Street house.” - @amina_frances

“Wi-Fi glistens in the basin on my balcony.

My phone is dry, gills caked with old messages.” - @slimedaughter

(Cheated a little on this one because the second line just adds to the chef’s kiss.)

“Franklin Ritter slept beneath a blanket of bees.” - @MGSatMGScom

“Her morning routine for the last four hundred years: Unplug herself from bed.” - @minyoungleeis

“I remember when we were giantesses, 160 feet long, our wet hair the length of three men and its strands could choke and drown sailors like enticing tentacles.” - @MAKARMUSIC

11/ continued...
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