The UN’s Green Cli­mate Fund is meant to help ​“devel­op­ing coun­tries reduce their green­house gas emis­sions and enhance their abil­i­ty to respond to cli­mate change”. While that's great, who watches the greenhouse emissions of "developed" countries?
The US military alone produces more emissions than most countries. If considered a country, it would be #47 on the list of top greenhouse gas emitters. The group of 8 is responsible for 85% of excess global carbon dioxide emissions.
If left unchecked, the "developing" countries, that the UN intends to help, might not ever reach a stage where their emissions actually matter. A large number of countries in Asia and island nations all around the world are facing the effect of climate change in real time.
The "global South" that contributes only 8% of the excess is most vulnerable to droughts, floods, sea level rise, famines and storms. The effect of climate change is seen everywhere,
From our agricultural sector, that's barely getting through the pandemic, struggling to keep up with climate change. The hunger crisis in South Sudan and so many other countries.
What's worse is the global North is aware of this, of their excess carbon emissions. But because acknowledging their problems is bad PR, no politician wants to do it. Climate change deniers make it to the Office and make things worse.
I've only now come to realize what ecofascism is, and it's truly disgusting. Solving these problems isn't impossible, it's simply not profitable. ExxonMobil and Shell would never want to hurt their stocks. The US military would never shrink.
I'm not really sure where I'm getting with this but it'd be great if we could hold the responsible accountable for their actions. While it's great that you decided to take the bus to work today, it's pointless in the face of the greed of corporations.
I'm sorry for the long thread and the general feeling of disgust, but it's all I have xD Rant over.
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