Apologies if this is obvious or pathetically basic, but thought I'd share as someone who like many still doesn't feel like they've ever completely got to grips with WFH/post-proper lockdown life...
..remember when Netflix came out & we all had choice paralysis, spending so long deliberating over what to watch, time ultimately ran out and we were left watching nothing? I've felt a version of that with lockdown, only it's due to having more time rather than too much choice...
...in the old commuting, working in an office with people, life as a routine way, you didn't really have to make many new decisions. And when you did, they were split-second decisions. Shall I run for this train or get the next? I only have 5 mins for lunch so it's Pret or Eat...
I've found I've really struggled with having more time. Not b/c I don't want it, but b/c I don't know how to use it. Shall I exercise now, then shower and start work? Shall I do work early, then exercise? Shall I revel in a nice lunch or grab a quick sandwich & finish earlier?...
I often end up deliberating for too long, beating myself up over it, then not doing anything 'well'. I'm half-parenting, half-working, half-trying to take advantage of all the new opportunities...getting it wrong and getting more frustrated that I'm missing out...
...This is probably really obvious/boring time management stuff. But my wife (who has spent 6 months seeing me being useless) is now just saying 'it doesn't matter which, just pick one' when I ask another question where either answer won't be a matter of life or death...
And you know what? It's really helped. I get this is a pretty small thing to choose to open up about, but if it helps one person...If like me you've spent too much time trying to 'do lockdown' well that you've done nothing well, treat more things as split-decisions and just 'do'.
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