M: I gotta ask you because it’s kinda funny now I guess. What happened?
J: this is not an excuse, I don’t entirely know what happened either other than reading the reports
M: did you read the reports?
J: I have to, yeah
J: Uh long story short, the cliff notes are we were filming in Vancouver and we filmed to 5-6 am and we flew to Austin and we had a double date that night. Gen and I had a double date with our buddy Walker and Sandy. We went to dinner, I hadn’t slept, I hadn’t had anything to eat
It’s now 8 pm and it was the weekend before Halloween where everybody gets dressed up and so we went to a....we went to dinner split a bottle of wine, had cocktail. I hadn’t slept or eaten so I was a little bit more affected than I wanted to admit so we walked down the block and
went to a buddy who opened a new bar and I know a few bars in Austin and the community of bars is kinda small you see each other it’s like “hey! Welcome!” And we get there and the owner is like “hey welcome! How do you like it” and there were a couple of (something) parties and
they were fans of the show and they were like “can we buy you a drink” this and that and I think I had too much to drink and too little to eat and sleep and I legitimately don’t recall what happened other than what I’ve seen in the video but I think what happened is I just was
blacked out, didn’t know what was going on and I think I saw me get bulled down by my hair I think I thought I was in a fight, Jensen and I got jumped in s1 and I think my head must have...and I hadn’t had a drink since. I was like ok I’m gonna go ahead and put this away cuz
I....that’s not who I’m, everyone who knows me knows that’s the absolute opposite. If someone is gonna hurt my child then obviously I’m gonna protect them, I don’t know what happened that night. It was really humbling, I guess I never really talked about it. It was humbling cuz
I used to read about these people “blah blah blah gets into a bar fight” and I go “what an idiot you’re a celebrity what’s wrong with you don’t take drinks from people you don’t know” but now I was “wow I just took drinks from people I don’t know and I don’t know if I was drugged
Or whatever but I don’t recall what happened other than what I read in the police reports. But it’s pretty humbling man
M: and you hadn’t had a drink since?
J: no, the worst part of the story is I knew the guys it was my bar I knew them
J: and so they went “ok I don’t know what the f just happened but that’s not Jared we know him well enough to know that maybe he was drugged or something” and so I talk with them and thank god they were “hy man that was messed up but we know that wasn’t you, we have known you for
A really long time, we know friends of yours, we know strangers who ran into you on the street that you were really kind to so we know that has nothing to do with who you are and we’re good” so I guess that’s a blessing not that what happened is a blessing but that it’s a
blessing that I’m not that guy. I ended up seeing security footage because I had to watch it
M: was it hard to watch?
J: yeah really hard to watch cuz you’re watching it and you’re like “that’s me” but you don’t see what you’re doing
J: So I’m never going there again, I’m never risking going there again and I don’t do drugs, I obviously enjoyed wine and stuff like that but I was like I’ve never been to a point where you’re literally seeing yourself on screen 1 am outside of a bar, it was like twilight zone
M: you must have been drugged
J: I’m not an excuses guy, I’m a no excuses kinda guy I don’t like that excuse but that’s never happened to me, I don’t know what happened and I broke my own rule and I tell Gen and we have a daughter and I tell her never take a drink from someone
And that night for whatever reason I was like “oh it’s a bachelor party, my friends bar nothing could’ve happened” whatever happened that night it’s informed my life since then and it was 10 months ago and I was just like “I’m gonna stop drinking” so I stopped and I talked with
My psychiatrist a lot about it and what it may have stemmed from and what might have happened outside of whatever I may have had to drink or eat. I thought I was getting attacked, I thought I was getting shoced and pushed, I’m not proud of itbut I don’t remember it. I’m certainly
Not proud of it, I’m humiliated by it but I assume I thought I was gonna get beat up. I’ve jumped before many times by a bunch of guys and you’re like well if they beat me up they’re gonna get me on the ground and kick my head into the curb, I assume that’s what I was thinking
M: people don’t wanna hear about everyone’s life is perfect and “no on makes mistakes” so for you to be honest about what you just talked about, if anyone has an issue with it then don’t listen to the show because you’re vulnerable and you’re real and you’re like “hey this is
M: what happened, you don’t make excuses, you’re embarrassed by the fight, you’ve made changes” so that’s what I’ll say about that
J: thanks buddy
M: Texas Ranger! Texas Walker! Are you excited about the show?
J: I’m thrilled!
M: when do you start?
J: well before the pandemic we were gonna finish spn on April 5th and then start Walker on April 20th but then obviously a global pandemic unlike anything we’ve ever seen for
J: several generations and so right now we’re set to finish spn on September 10th and them we were supposed to start Walker on September 23rd but that got pushed because we need some time to build I think so it’s gonna be hopefully sometime in October in Austin
M: how many episodes?
J: again I don’t know, I think we got a 13 Episode pickup? Don’t quote me on this I probably should know this, I think we got a 13 ep pickup but because of everything going on, tv shows usually filming from July to April so if we can’t start till October
As of now late October, if we did the same amount of episodes we shoot in July-August which means if we get picked up for season 2 there will be overlap. So idk I think that’s gonna be at the mercy of a lot of different networks like ABC, Fox, CBS, NBC, CW so I feel like
They’re all gonna agree “hey guys let’s do a 10 episode season for 2020, like covid season, short season then we get back to normal to where we were before”
M: will there be a SPN movie coming out in the future and would you want to do one?
J: I hope so and absolutely
M: are you hoping to channel your inner Chuck Norris for Walker or you gonna make your own interpretation?
J: my Walker has zero to do with Chuck’s Walker. I did watch Chuck’s Walker but this is a brand new character, a brand new story, and a bran new era
J: Koda is the new Walker Texas Ranger lol
M: are there any paranormal experiences of your own you’d like to ahare?
J: I have seen and experienced somethings that I can’t explain, so possibly yes
M: have you talked to Chuck Nortis about this at all? Is he supportive of you taking this iconic role? Have you had his blessing?
J: good question. I’ve not talked to him directly, we had I guess our people talked whatever that means but he gave his blessings because he still
Co-owned the rights to the story, the product, he was part of the EP group, he has some ownership on Walker Texas Ranger so we had to get his blessings to create a new version of it so I know we have his blessings but idk what his involvement was or will be.
J: I think he’s 80 something right now but I’m sure he can still beat my ass
M: if you had a chance which superhero do you see yourself playing? Cuz you’re a big guy, you’re a handsome fella who would it be?
J: thanks man. I’m a big guy, I’ve heard nighthawk would be a great fit for me which will be fun. I screen tested for superman the movie in ‘04
J: they flew me from Australia to LA and I put the suit on and everything, they took my phone away so I don’t take pictures lol
M: did you know that Jensen gets a car?
J: we both get a car
M: you too?
J: yeah
M: it was in your contract?
J: no it wasn’t in my contract it was a gift from them. What’s funny is that I’m actually the car guy. My first car ever was a ‘69 Camero and I still have it
J: I have car books from when I was 7 years old. I can change oil in a classic car, I can fiddle with it and change. I’m the classic car guy.They went “thank you guys for your work we’d like for you to have them”So Dean Winchester is the car guy but Jared Padalecki is the car guy
Jared turned 37 and 38 on s15 because it got split up
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