This is a perfect example of how transphobes use the “unreasonable activist” trope.

“If only you pesky trans people being attacked by massively influential bigots, would not complain about your oppression”

While TERFs say “fuck nice”, trans people are not allowed to show upset!
Note key words such as:

It is very easy for TERFs to make a show of having these things, as they speak from platforms of privilege, unaffected by the transphobic rhetoric they spout.

It’s harder to be calm when you’re a trans person under attack.
The language TERFs use is the language of privilege.

Trans people constantly speak sensibly, calmly, with empathy and reason, but are ignored.

Influential TERFs are able to spout damaging rhetoric wrapped in “polite” language and inflict massive harms to trans people.
It’s a Catch 22 for minorities...

If they speak nicely and politely from a position of already being ignored and abused, then they continue to be ignored and abused.

But heaven forbid they raise their voices, then they’re painted as “aggressive”, “unreasonable” and “angry”!...
Those from privilege (typically white, cis, het, males) don’t have to shout to oppress minorities - They can just drop an email to their influential mates, or call their journalist friends. Anywhere they go, they automatically have more influence due to their systemic privilege.
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