So one of my boys invited me to his place last year and told me of this neighbor of his who always passes by his balcony every morning in a towel going to get something from her car. He told me that she always does it on purpose such that he notices her.
The following morning, she passes by again, this time in a lesu and we all saw and we told him to man up say something to her, he listened to us and approached her and said hi. She invited us for lunch in her house and we didn't hesitate going.
To cut the long story short, after that meal, my guy started liking her because she really cooked good food and they are getting married in December and I'll be the Mcee. I noticed something about this lady.
When she went to her car to pick something, she'd gone to pick her Shell Gas cylinder which she had just refilled. Moral of the story, refill your gas cylinder today with #ShellNyongeza at a discounted price and also free deliveries are done.
The #ShellNyongeza team will be in the following areas from Thursday.

•Shell Entebbe
•Shell Bunamwaya
•Bwebajja Crisol Enterprise
You can follow @emeka_ug.
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