Quanxi's words "Ignorance is bliss, Chainsaw" have been stuck in my mind for a while. I feel like this is one of the main ideas Chainsaw Man has awesomely tackled! This has especially being explored quite nicely in these recent chapters! Here are some scattered thoughts! (1/6)
I think very early in the manga, we can tell that Denji's character is disappointed when learning about different things, especially sexual related activities. His ignorance to these topics is what made them exciting yet, upon actually doing them, he was left unsatisfied. (2/6)
In chapter 82, Makima explains how she provided Denji with an elated sense of happiness only to then destroy it. If Denji stayed ignorant to the idea of true happiness, if he hadn't felt like Aki and Power were both family to him, he wouldn't have been so wrecked by this. (3/6)
Not to mention Denji finally opening the door which reveals a suppressed memory about him killing his father, a detail that, once learned, will completely change Denji. He suppressed this memory to keep him happier, but now any shred of joy is gone. (4/6)
This idea extends into Makima's motivations. She wants to completely erase ideas that correlate to human unhappiness. This is the ultimate example of "ignorance is bliss" since, without knowledge of the existence of topics like war and death, people will be happier. (5/6)
Let me end these scattered thoughts by saying that I don't know where the hell Chainsaw Man is going to go with all of this, but this manga is absolutely compelling and GOAT! That is all. (6/6)
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