Colleagues at @theirworld are busy preparing for the #UnlockBigChange Education Conference next Monday. Here are 7 good reasons to join...

1. TOO MANY KIDS are out of school. 128 million and counting. This is an actual global crisis. @SarahBrownUK, @Annamiek, @boo_milton, @JanezLenarcic & @YasmineSherif1 will discuss #refugee education, innovations youth are leading, and solutions to unlock education in emergencies.
2. IT'S #UNGA WEEK. i.e. the one moment in the year when global leaders come together and important shared priorities are on the table. In the age of Covid, education needs to be in those conversations more than ever before.
3. JOBS & SKILLS MATTER. #YouthSkills experts @JamiraBurley, @JudeKelly_, & @usmaneba will join corporate leaders at @Intell & @Deloitte to explore the future of work and potential of public and private sector partnerships.
4. EARLY YEARS EDUCATION PAYS FOR ITSELF. It's an absolute no-brainer but somehow still not happening everywhere. @doble_rob, @peter_laugharn, @AliceAlbright, & @indothopian will explore early years ed & the 'how' of getting preschool funded and equitable for all.
5. THERE IS HOPE FOR FUNDING. It's geeky & complicated but @Justinvanfleet, @liz_sugg, @franzfayot, @MamtaMurthi, & @sarahambitious1 will share how – despite aid and philanthropic budgets being cut – we can unlock the funding needed to achieve #SDG4.
6. YOUR VOICE NEEDS TO BE HEARD. Education is about everyone, including you & me. Come to challenge, contribute and converse. Also - full disclosure - my job at @theirworld is to turn great ideas into transformational action on the ground, so please help me ace it.
You can follow @angelamsolomon.
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