Having your family pry about the women you're friends with because you know they're trying to figure out "what" you are only their minds won't go to "lesbian" because you're trans and they can't see all the pink girly shit you like because they won't look past your muscle mass 😂

(I removed the photo in this thread a while ago when I started tweeting about more local things because they were possibly photos that could identify me)
I can't tell you how satisfying it's been delving into "girly" shit all while adding an inch to my chest. I like pink and I like exercise and I do it for me for whatever reason, harmless or internalized, but it has the added bonus of throwing people I'm stealth with off my trail
I just know that I have people confused bc they read me as a gay man hence the prying but pick up on my misandry and rule that out but pick up on my incompatibility w/ straight women and in their misgendering of me genuinely cannot connect the dots that are right in front of them
It feels like me being lesbian is at the core of what my secret is and feels much more the secret than "trans." "Trans" is just the dots that connect to "lesbian" and me being "stealth" isn't so much me doing anything differently but me refusing to help people connect these dots.
And the prying is a cycle of them going through the contradictions but refusing to consider the possibility. I can't win, but I at least don't really lose if I allow them to repeat it over and over again, always unsure what to think since it isn't what they're thinking.
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