I do not, and will never apologize for fighting for what I believe in.
Any opinions I have can and will change, as time goes on, but there are 2 current things that I will never stop believing.
1. Mini Ladd does not deserve a platform.
2. Cuties is the most disgusting movie ever.
In case you didnt know, MiniLadd abused his platform by manipulating and grooming several minors, as well as solicit nude images of them. He confessed to this on Twitter in June, and hid from the internet for 5 weeks to "let the drama die". He is not redeemed for getting therapy.
I have seen a ton of people say they don't like him but they like his content. Find something else to like. He may be demonetized currently, but supporting his content invites sponsors. He has banned keywords in his comments, and is moderating his subreddit heavily.
He is afraid of the truth, and his "apology" video does not address the things which he confessed to. He has not apologized to his victims. There are allegations of much worse things against him, like ogling 13 year olds at a summer camp, but these are only allegations.
I started this thread with a message. I will NEVER apologize for fighting for what I believe, or believe in.
My belief is that a man who has solicited children should be in jail, but at the very least, he should be deplatformed, and put on a registry, for targetting minors.
I am not sorry if you are offended, and I did not leave a trigger warning before my post because YOU SHOULD BE. HIS TARGET AUDIENCE IS KIDS AND HE HAS ADMITTED TO ASKING MINORS FOR FUCKING NUDES.
Cuties is widely being covered by media for sexualizing children as well, so I figured I would mention it as well, because its related in that it sexualizes children, and is wildly inappropriate and should not exist in the first place.
Overall, I don't have a lot of followers, but I figured I would make a long thread about Touches MiniLadds because I have been replying to tweets defending his actions. I mention Cuties as well as proof that our society needs to change, because pedophiles should not be rewarded.
You can follow @candybard.
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