so i have an idea. It's fuckin random but what if moodz made like 'promoting woodz' day like once in a month, no the agenda is not about spamming everyone with woodz video and being annoying it's just simply us tweeting about what made us fall in love with him with hashtag
you know yuehua and stone probably do their best on promoting him but the lack of connection by the company always had me ':(' once people discover his music i'm sure they will love him and getting curious to know more about him
woodz has the talent and the skill of variety shows but somehow he never meet the opportunity to show it. Back in X1 days he only appear on cable tv channel which not really watched by most of people esp in Korea (well it just my assumption)
ah ... I know after reading this tweet you might be assume me as a desperate fan of him, i lowkey admit it, i just want people to know him like, HELLO? THERE IS A SOLO ARTIST NAME WOODZ HE IS SO FUCKIN TALENTED AND HAS WONDERFUL PERSONALITY WITH BEAUTIFUL MINDSET TOO

You know like tbh moodz promoting woodz everyday, like literally we can't get over him ofc but you know maybe with a massive event who know people will curious about him
Therefore i ended up this thread with some promotion, go buy the ticket for his online concert named W BOX Not Just A Concert. If you can't buy one, it's okay let's support him with another way, hope stanning WOODZ give you a lot of joy.
This has been Luna💙
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