If you think voting in November is all you need to do, let's objectively talk about our country for a moment:
1. I have personally seen police break bones for standing in the street.
2. There have been right wing checkpoints in my state.
3. Cops have directly challenged the...
authority of their civilian oversight.
4. Mobs of fascists have stormed my city to attack people about our local budget issues.
5. We're doing forced sterilization to refugees.
6. We've been fighting a war of imperialism for 20 years.
7. Our country is built on...
Horrific genocide. If your wondering which genocide im talking about, thats the problem.
9. We are going through a climate crisis that will kill a lot of us in the next 40 years if we don't radically restructure our society.
10. America is racist, sexist, LGBTQphobic, and abelist
Sure, vote. Do that. Its something..
But also, get out of your house and into the (literal/metaphorical) street. Even if you believe in electoral politics, too much needs to change for us to leave this to normal politics.
Please help us do something while we still can.
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