So you wanna make black lives matter a conspiracy? Ok yes totally invalidate hundres of black lives that are lost.
My best friend decided to call her out in a mature manner and analyzed everything that she said and decided to inform her about it, but she still thinks she’s right? As a white Latina, what makes you think you can talk about black lives?
“Your people”? Girl HUHH? All she did was call you out and decided to inform you about it and that’s all you have to say? You’re a performative activist and a fake ally. If you truly did care you would consider what she has to say because she’s A BLACK WOMAN.
How are you gonna invalidate a black womans feelings and say she’s being rude? Girl boo. Everytime I see you, you always have something negative to say about black lives and I’ve never seen you talk about the actual struggles. You wanna say the n word so bad but you’re not ready
To face the reality that black people have to go through on a daily.
Her @ on insta is ingridsofine
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