lmaooo saw some pressed stans abt still131 fans buying iok shares. okay first of all, iok shares are publicly listed so literally any korean (at least) can buy shares and become a shareholder.
second, hate to break it to you but those 131 shares doesn't even have any material impact that can influence hanbin's promotion to executive director lmao it's not even 0.01 of the total outstanding shares of iok company 😂 yes it has voting rights but it doesnt work that way
based on korean corporate law, dir. are appointed by an ordinary resolution at a shareholders' meeting where votes from MAJORITY of the shareholders present at the meeting and representing at least 1/4 of the total issued and outstanding shares w/ voting rights is needed
in ph corp code, that's 2/3 votes instead of 1/4. anyways, IOK has at least around 50M outstanding shares (based on 2019 FS) so he needs vote from ppl holding at least 12.5M shares. 😂

source: https://www.reuters.com/companies/078860.KQ/financials
so yes, the 131 shares purchased by still131fan was a good gesture but i honestly don't think it would have any material impact / effect on the decision that will be made during the shareholder's meeting. n
not unless, ofc, should binics decide to buy more shares in the future. but that's a different topic and would require more technicalities. anyway, hope this helps.
personally, i think hanbin is a smart person and surrounded by ppl who knows what they are doing so we shouldn't be worrying about these kind of trivial things. let him and his family handle this. as for me, i'm just here patiently waiting for his next update so we'll see 😂
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