My county school system announced today that it will immediately begin providing all meals, 7 days a week, for the counties children.

Let that shit sink in.

6 months ago our 'government' took the livelihoods of nearly half this countries working class. No state has returned
to normalcy in any significant way, and the only saving grace has been the willingness of some to refuse to bow down and accept the dictates of a rabid and power mad system, dominated by a communist ideal of government as mother, father and God.
Our nation's schools barely function, our police are under attack, our economy is in a shambles, our press cheerlead for fear and anarchy, and our government kneels to terrorists and communist revolutionaries while demanding the rest of us cower in fear and obey.
The wealthy spout platitudes from their pools and mansions, beauracrats demand compliance from us while they go to restaraunts and hair salons, mega-corporations pay executive salaries on the public dime while laying off the rank and file, the investor class rakes in taxpayer
cash at an historic rate, and Congress takes their paycheck on vacation while demanding that the rest of us suck it up and become homeless, starving, obedient little sheep, taking one straight up the backside for the 'greater good'.
This is not a lesson. This is not an opportunity to take the high road.
That concept died at the altar of political expediency months ago.
This is the death knell of liberty and the toll booth of civil war.
Be careful what you wish for, you may get it.
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