We all know that #RetrogradePlanets are liabilities strictly from #MedicalAstrology perspective - being erratic/unexpected etc. There are consensus on retro benefics in H6/8/12 aspected by malefics; or benefics in H6/8/12 aspected by retro malefics - both can be tricky for health
Likewise #RetrogradePlanets in Kendra - even if benefic, can be detrimental to health; so is retro planets in Asc. Trickiest part is retro Asc lord in Asc and/or aspecting Asc; or yogakarka natural malefics in/aspecting Asc - even own signs. Observation suggests the vulnerability
#Retrograde Asc lord dasha at birth is, often a strong indicator of #CongenitalDisease. If Asc lord, Moon's dispositor and/or Lord of 6/8 are retrograde then, they do hint at frequent/dragged health issues (subject to other overriders). #MedicalAstrology
Notwithstanding retrogression, natural malefics Saturn/Mars aspecting own signs can too be troublesome for living significations (and respective body parts) - esp if with multiple afflictions and/or connection with retrograde benefics. #MedicalAstrology
Trickiest part is longevity and #Retrogression. There are contrary views. In AyurNirnay - retrograde planets' are multiplied - to boost longevity. Yet they hinting at dragged health conditions. So how can a supporting function of longevity be detrimental to health?
In my limited observations: from #MedicalAstrology perspective - #KaalChakra (natural chart) makes a great sense as signs the the core premise of anatomy, as core environment. Planets operate upon them then to boost or trigger. So they must be given due weightage than bhava chart
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