Since Sony seems intent to take every Spider-Man side-character and give them a movie, might I direct their attention to freaking Man-Wolf?

The son of J. Jonah Jameson, Man-Wolf was an astronaut who found a cursed gem that turned him into a werewolf. He's a werewolf astronaut!
I mean, this movie really writes itself. Where is the worse place to be a werewolf? On the freaking moon! It's like ALIEN, but with a werewolf! Or like LEPRECHAUN 4, but with a werewolf! Or like CRITTERS 3, but with a werewolf! Or like HELLRAISER 4, but with a werewolf!
You want world-building? How about this: At some point, the amazing weirdos at Marvel decided to give MAN-WOLF his own series. The creators got tired of telling the same kind of stories that were already being told in WEREWOLF BY NIGHT so they sent Man-Wolf to Narnia!
I'm joking about the Narnia, thing. But only kinda. MAN-WOLF did indeed become a sword and sorcery title and he even started going by the name Stargod!

How the hell is Sony going to make a Kraven the Hunter or Mysterio movie before they greenlight a MAN-WOLF film!?!?
Long live MAN-WOLF - the greatest damn sword-wielding, newspaper heir, astronaut werewolf that ever was.

He's a good Man-Wolf, Brent.
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