thread for people with names
do you like ur name
if u could change ur name would u and if u could what would u change it too
what does ur name mean
is there a story behind ur name
do u have any nicknames
whats the weirdest way anyones ever pronounced ur name
do u have a middle name
if ur name wasnt ur name what would u have been named
is ur name popular
whats the urban dictionary definition of ur name
does the urban dictionary definition of ur name fit u
what color would u say ur name is
do u think ur names pretty
have u ever met someone with the same name as u
do u have a video of a famous person saying ur name
do u know any celebrities with ur name
has anyone ever made fun of u cause of ur name
when u look up ur name whats the first thing that comes up
have u ever met an animal with the same name as u
have u ever read a book where the main character had the same name as u
have u ever watched a movie where the main character had the same name as u
has anyone ever named their kid after u
this doesnt really fit the rest of the questions but when u read y/n do u fill it in with ur name
have u ever had any classes with someone with the same name as u and how did u tell eachother apart
if u didnt have ur name would u consider naming ur kid ur name if u had kids
have people ever misgendered u cause of ur name
what flower do u think ur name is
is ur name more badass or soft
end of thread for rn cause i cant think of anymore questions
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