Poop knowledge
Brown Rat poop:- are dark brown in a tapered, spindle shape - like a grain of rice.
Mice poop-It can be difficult to tell mouse droppings from rat droppings (or other pest droppings), but size is a key differentiator. Mouse droppings are generally an eighth to a quarter of an inch in length. They are also tapered at the ends and may resemble dark grains of rice.
Cat poop:-Healthy poop is generally malleable (like modeling clay: not too soft, not too hard) and shaped like a Tootsie Roll.
Dog poop:-The feces should be firm, segmented and shaped like a caterpillar. It should feel like Play-Doh when squeezed
Goat poop:-Normal goat poop looks like loose pebbles, beans, or berries
Horse poop:-Since diet affects the color of a horse's manure, you can expect it to be anywhere between green, brown or black. Healthy manure should have a glossy shine, indicating normal hydration, and forms neat, somewhat firm, balls.
Mountain lion poop:-Mountain lion poop or scat is another characteristic kind of animal droppings. Pieces tend to be about 5 inches long (12.7 cm) and 1.25 inches in diameter (3.1cm).
Deer poop:- Deer scat (whitetail or muley) looks like the proverbial Raisinette—oval in shape, pellet-like, ½ to ⅝ inches in diameter, dark brown or black in color (usually), and scattered in piles.
Snake poop:-Urates are white to pale yellow in color and vary in consistency -- they may be semi-liquid pastes when fresh, but they may also resemble white rocks or chalk. Sometimes, undigested prey remains, such as fur, teeth or claws, may be visible in the droppings.
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