Wish we embraced falling in friendship love and the magic of friendship love in general. It really is such a magnificent, kindred soul-shifting experience that can manifest in so many wonderfully different ways. It truly deserves its own genre of art, movies/TV, writing, music.
Wish we had more vocabulary to talk about our friendships. Wish we didn't relegate friendship to the binary of either lover/partner or friend. ugh. it's so limiting and does not do justice to the depth and complexity of friendships and love we feel for and with our friends.
My friends have saved my life. They have been there for me in some of my most darkest and joyful times. They have romanced me and i them.

They are not "layovers" between partners/lovers. They are not "side dishes" to the "main dish."
They occupy such an important part of what love is and can be. They don't diminish other forms of love, they enhance them.

They are a unique kind of home and belonging, esp for me as a queer, disabled, adoptee, woman of color, survivor.
Friendship break-ups can bring you to your knees and lay you out in bone-cold-misery. They are a particular kind of gut-wrenching heartbreak that you go through, often without the kind of support or understanding or commiseration that other break-ups get.
Anyways, i just want more art and books and series and songs about friendships. I want more conversations and spaces for us to be able to talk about our friendships in. I want more language,nuance and exploration.

Bc i love my friends deeply and i would not be here without them.
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