I’ve seen people complaining about Robby’s apparently sudden change of character from Lil Criminal to Good Boi, and I honestly think they just don’t get Robby’s character, which is fine but— this is a boy that has been left his entire life. As much as Shannon loves to throw words
around Johnny and Robby, her actions show an entirely different story. Robby has learned to adapt to survive. The only friends he had previous to MD were criminals, so he became one too. Once in LaRusso Autogroup, we are reminded of what a great actor and liar he is. He becomes
what Daniel and Amanda want to see in a good boy they can favor. Daniel is desperately seeking for his Mr. Miyagi stardom, so he sees a boy that likes karate and has no father and gets his chance. His teachings and company bring out the parts of Robby that are real, but he’s
still trying to fit the part. Not because he doesn’t want to be good, but because he is searching for a home. The LaRusso’s take him in and so he feels he must be what they want him to be (good, educated, well dressed) in order to fit. He smiles so shyly when Daniel says he’s
glad Robby is part of the family (s2) because he believes then this is who he is. It all shatters and falls, and even after Daniel dumps him AGAIN, Robby is still defending him and worshipping him because he has never known anything better. His drastic change of character IS in
character of a boy that has no identity of his own. We’ve seen glimpses of the real Robby, good (kind, sweet, caring) and bad (angry, resentful, a liar), but as long as he’s between his father and his mentor, he’ll never find himself. Like primary colors, you put two together and
get something new that will help you paint a masterpiece. Johnny and Daniel’s masterpiece will be Robby, but as long as they are not okay, he’ll never be okay either. He’s lost, literally lost after season 2, and only until he can be at peace with both pulling forces in his life,
we will meet the real Robby. Meanwhile, he’ll keep adapting, he’ll keep running.

Robby’s character arc is not about Daniel, is not about Johnny, or Cobra Kai or Miyagi-do, or legacy. It’s about finding yourself in the middle of all that and building your own.
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