Yeah, i think i'm gonna place my questions in one thread right now since my previous ones are all over the places now. hahaha not gonna stop until jae notices this ..
@Jae_Day6 did you know that kangaroos cannot hop if you lift up their tail?
if parallel universe exists, how would park jaehyung's life be there? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
In your opinion, how did the first-ever person to discover the 'numbering' system has the idea to come out with the system. how is 1 plus 1 equal to 2? what if actually in an alternate universe, the numbering is in backward? 🤔 @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
what's on your bucket list?
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
*commercial break since jae still hasnt notice my thread
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, for real tho, i wanna know what genre you think suits day6 best after you guys have ventured into so many diff genres these past 5 years
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
*currently listening to I Like You while thinking what else to ask
#FromFriendsJaeAndJed @Jae_Day6
jae did you know that there's a fungi that could actually create zombies(but in insects) :) Ophiocordyceps, that's the name of the fungus.. search it up :)
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
fun fact, cats have fewer toes on their back paws :)
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
can't concentrate on my work right now since my brain is going haywire thinking what else to ask @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae i have something big coming next month.. would you cheer for me? i really need it... @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
if day6 has it's own podcast, what would the theme be?
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
are you planning to grow your hair long like hyunjin's? 🥺
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
blasting I Need Somebody while waiting for jae #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
not shy not meeehh #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
will you make a live sess today? 🥺 @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
have you had your lunch? what did you ate? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae did you know that bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
what did you do today so far? was is it a good day for you? :) @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, if you were to have lil sibling, would you rather have a sister or a brother? why? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae, please listen to NIve's New Light, those lyrics are my unsaid words for you :) you've always been the light when i had my series of dark and cloudy days. Love you bro, sincerely, thank you for being there.. @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Hey jae... Will youu...
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae please share your hair routine 🥺 they look soo flooffyyyyy 😭 @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
I wanna have a cat too but I can't for now I'm sad :( @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Ok serious question. How to stay passionate and motivated in doing your work? 🥺 @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Just me waiting for @Jae_Day6 🥺
Just checking whether you're here @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, found this video, apparently there are more breeds that you would like to consider if you wanna have a cat someday :) @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
me while waiting for @Jae_Day6 to see this thread #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
how you been, how you been, how you been~ @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, what's the next hair color you wanna try? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
@Jae_Day6 what's the best memory/ies you had with the boys so far? #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
your top 3 eaJ's songs! @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, have you ever wondered how the first person invented any recipes and give the dish names? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
back to previous question, you wanna try invent your own dish? eheh @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
jae, will day6 ever gonna come to Malaysia :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( we've been waiting for you a long time @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
please come to malaysia, i'll treat you cendol @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae have you kajimaaaaa nal dugo kajimaa today? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Iono what else to ask and I'm getting tired. Huuu.. Bye jae have a nice day <3
@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae if you could travel to the past what would you say to your younger self? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Best advice you had ever received? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae, continue please


@Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
This thread started 12hrs ago 😭 and iono why, is it invincible? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
What did you ate today? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
PLEASE COME TO MALAYSIA @Jae_Day6!! We've been waiting for you guys to come here for so long 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
PLEASE COME TO MALAYSIA @Jae_Day6!! We've been waiting for you guys to come here for so long 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Jae apart from poli sci, what other courses/programmes you'd like be enrolled if you want to and if you have the chance @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
@Jae_Day6 thank you for growing up so well and to be the person you are today :) #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
Wait is this hashtag that I'm using is wrong or? @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed

@Jae_Day6 just checking whether it's the real you that I've been tagging this whole time and if the hashtag is the real one.. #FromFriendsJaeAndJed

Ok i think I've been tagging the correct acc @Jae_Day6 and have been using the correct hashtag but maybe my questions were still not enough....
Guess all my luck has been used up when you read my question for hdigh 🥺 that's okay.. @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
I'll end this thread here but u'd prolly won't notice this too:) anwy, I went back home a lil earlier today than usual & went to this spot, my fav spot to see the sunset. It was beautiful. I hope you had a beautiful day too @Jae_Day6.. I cherish u a lot<3
And incase you'd ever come across this thread, here's my extended wish for you <3 @Jae_Day6 #FromFriendsJaeAndJed
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