One last thing about Rowling and the #RIPJKRowling tag:

It's a bit off saying that "activists" are calling it transphobic. If you connect Rowling's TERFery with the reporting on the new book? Everyone should be calling it transphobic. Or is saying "activists" a way of keeping...
the situation at arm's length so you don't have to engage with a difficult discussion about an author you adore who revealed herself in no uncertain terms to be an absolute monster of a person? Is it about not wanting to engage in a discussion about how an extremely wealthy...
woman with a massive social media platform repeatedly punches down at one of our most vulnerable minorities that at the "best" of times has a ~40% suicide rate and how your support of that author basically makes you complicit in that now?

If you think about it another way...
how would you feel if she were being openly racist (it clearly wasn't enough with the subtle racist tropes through the Potter series)? What if she came out and said asylum seekers have no right to be protected legally?

This is what she is doing to the trans community...
But we get mildly outraged by @RealMarkLatham and @PaulineHansonOz when they say similar things. Am I putting Rowling and One Nation in the same bag? Absolutely, and I'd go further to say that if Hanson had written a body of fiction that had a generation fooled about how great...
she was, you'd probably react the same way...

Purely because you'd be too embarrassed to admit to not seeing what she had put under your nose the whole time. That's fine, be embarrassed... but don't double down because you have a fondness for her books.

Find other authors...
@clairegcoleman has had some awesome suggestions for people to look into.

You know what else? Do some reading about the people Rowling is demonising and why her comments are so obscene instead of just going "oh, someone's angry at the lady author"...
Start with reading about and following @MavenOfMayhem and their experience with trans children, then maybe do some reading about what it's like for transgender children (and adults, for that matter).

Rowling is never going to be cancelled, she's too big for it.. but you don't...
have to play along with the discrimination against children and vulnerable people that her and her coterie of barely disguised white supremacists carry on with.
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