To our Listeners: Due to the fact that everything is on fire where Lark lives, for the foreseeable future, the podcasts may or may not come out on time depending on his spoons ATM as he solely edits and produces both podcasts. RN, he is safe and fine, all things considered.
But Oregon desperately needs your help—particularly indigenous communities and houseless folks. Here is a list of mutual aid orgs—if you can donate, please do. ⁣
If you donate $50 or more to any of the orgs listed in this thread & send us a screenshot & your address, We'll mail you a Gayly Prophet sticker. Please note that the mail is all kinds of fucked up because 2020, so expect some delays.⁣

Thanks everyone for understanding!
PS nether Lark or I (Jessie) have the spoons to respond about the TERF author's most recent fuckery. Buy books by trans authors. Support queer & trans HP fanworks & creators. Hex Transphobes.
You can follow @thegaylyprophet.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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