The problem is that it's "please recommend me all your favorite trans/non-binary authors" one day and the next day it's Hogwarts houses again, we've been through quite a few rounds of this before.
I'll probably delete this later. I'm tired.
Ok. I'll say more. Every time JKR's bullshit surfaces up, I see these "please recommend me all your favorite trans authors" threads.

Do you know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see people chime in and say, during the LAST JKR fallout, I read x, y and z trans books
I want cis people to say, during the last JKR fallout I started following these amazing trans authors, who recommended other trans artists/authors because it turns out trans authors know a whole bunch of other cool trans creators!

I want this to happen when JKR is not trending.
I want mainstream publishing to acknowledge how much it is determined to pinch its nose and publish transphobic shit which hurts people, and yet cannot seem to commit to taking a chance on more than a few trans authors.
I want publishing to have a reckoning with how hard it is especially for trans women authors to make it.

I want cis people to know that our art is worth worth engaging with beyond retweeting, and even beyond buying. Like, it's worth reading regularly, not just when JKR strikes.
As is, it's yet another round of "not this again" and discourses which often feel performative to me. I am not saying that all discourses around this are performative, but this is almost becoming a ritual, and I'm so, so tired.

Meanwhile JKR receives another huge push.
(reposted the last two tweets to fix the thread, hopefully did not break it).
Discourses around "JKR is terrible, who knows any good trans books?" often feel performative to me bc they STILL center JKR. If we want to center trans creators, I think we should not begin this work with a TERF. It should be a celebration of our art, our survival, our joy.
And yes, every time JKR is at it again, and she's often at it again, many of us CRINGE because we know that the requests for recs will circulate again, and more amazing trans books get recommended and then what? What happens then?
I won't delete this thread; people asked. If you feel like boosting/retweeting, please do.

Thank you for reading and engaging.
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