The importance of acknowledging the sacredness of sex.

All things in life have an “ontological priority”, where ends come first, purposes second, i.e. the end of medicine is to restore health. A person can use medicine for various purposes (like to attain wealth & status as a doctor, etc), but its end remains the same (healing).
When the ontological priority is disrespected & the purposes entirely distort the end (only making money & disregarding people’s health) we ruin the thing altogether—medicine stops being the beautiful art of healing & turns into something appalling.
The end of sex is, has always been & will always be the creation of new life. It is through sex that our embodied souls enter the world & our lives here begin. Even when husband & wife don't make babies, their union still creates new life—a new thing altogether, “one flesh”.
No other thing reminds us that we are spiritual beings connected to a Force larger than ourselves like the power to create new life through us, in Him. Placing sex within marriage & giving marriage a special social & legal standing is thus wise (treasuring & safeguarding life)
Contraception & the normalization of abortion have made us believe that we can separate sex from its end. This is why today we teach young people to take proper “precautions” in sex (& enjoy it as the end) instead of teaching them the sacredness of sex (the sacredness of life)
This is also why we say nonsensical, delusional things like “an unwanted child” or “an accidental pregnancy”. A pregnancy is *by definition* never an “accident”—it is literally the end of the act.

Just like we corrupt medicine when we prioritize money over healing, we corrupt sex when we prioritize pleasure over life.

Once the origin of life & life itself are corrupted & obscured, all other things can be corrupted & obscured. Thus if sex isn't sacred, nothing is.
This is how ALL degeneracy & depravations enter the scene—if sex is just for "pleasure", then there are no limits, just "preferences" in how to obtain said pleasure, & life itself becomes about the pursuit of pleasures.
And if sex has no natural end, other things also lose their natural ends. This is why we argue absurdities like “gender is a social construct”, as if gender had been “invented” by previous generations, instead of us naturally discovering/realizing that God made us man & woman.
This is also why our generation trashes marriage & the family—people think that these institutions have no natural ends & are simply results of *choices* made by previous generations, & that it is up to us to change & "re-invent" these choices to our convenience & liking.
People like the “omnipotence” of being able to free themselves from “constraints of the past”, choose "their truth” & version of reality they like the most. But this is just a prideful illusion—the same pride that led Adam & Eve to eat the fruit, desiring to be like God.
Want more truth-alignment, less degeneracy, depravity & decay?

Make sex sacred again.

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