Jay Gatsby - a theoretical chart
The Great Gatsby was set in 1922, Gatsby was meant to be 32 in this time frame so I took where Saturn and Jupiter were at this point in 1890 and fiddled around with the rest. I've done this in chart order rather than chronological events order.
Gemini rising - Jay was social, charming and ruled by Mercury. Good at making connections with others and carrying a natural curiosity in regards to the rest of the world. Capable of fitting into any social group and his parties had people from all walks of life.
Gatsby’s origins - 4th house Virgo w Saturn. He grew up in a remote rural area to a poor family. He felt a strong disconnect from his family, calling himself a “son of God” and aspiring for something greater than where he came from.
6th H Scorpio moon - a cadent house, his emotions and true self were hidden from almost everyone - inc Daisy whom he’d been pursuing since he was a young man. Intensely private & I feel the fixed nature of Scorpio needed to be in here given his unchanging goals and needs.
Shows his love for Daisy in a lavish yet indirect way. All the parties were for her, 6th house moon relating to serving others. Buying a house across the bay from her, gaining material success to get onto her social level.
Scorpio moon ruled by the 2nd house of finances and values led him into more underground, hidden and questionable work in bootleg alcohol. His dream of wealth which he felt he needed to attain Daisy could be achieved through his connections in his work (ruler of 2nd in the 6th H)
He saw Daisy as a part of his “dream reality” and used his work as a means to achieve what he felt he needed in order to “deserve” her. Ties into the insecurity of his roots with that 4th H Saturn.
8th H Cap - a fallen Jupiter and exalted Mars.
Fallen Jupiter in his 8th house of inheritance shows his almost-inheritance from Cody which he lost to Cody’s biological family. Ruler of 7th in 8th H theme, close non-familial relationships and inheritance.
An exalted Mars here ruling his moon shows the drive to gain wealth despite this. The link between the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses here all relate to work, money and an intense desire to get what he wanted even if he has to do it himself.
9th H Aquarius Sun
The sun in detriment but in its joy, Gatsby found success through shifting far from home and through travel (both in the war and after). Rebranded who he was, changing his name from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby during this time.
10th H Pisces Venus + Mercury + MC
Mercury (chart ruler) in its debility here but relating to public image and reputation, he was very good at making up huge stories that were (mostly) true to keep that 6th H Scorpio moon truth disguised.
Exalted Venus conj. MC.
His relationship with Daisy was a part of what he felt his life’s purpose was but had always felt she was somewhat superior to him due to her status and wealth. He placed her on a pedestal and saw her for what he wanted her to be, not what she was.
Held onto that Piscean dream of “recreating the past”. His relationships with others as well as his chart ruler in the 10th helped him make those important connections that allowed him to climb socially.
The parties - utilising Venus in the 10th to attract huge amounts of people in the hopes Daisy would one day turn up in his home after waiting for her for 5 years.
Angry outburst w Tom - fallen Mercury answering to fallen Jupiter / exalted Mars
“Gatsby looked as though he had just killed a man”
When Tom outed Gatsby for coming from a poor family, the calm Piscean demeanour vanished and for a moment the Cap Jup and Mars came through.
Gatsby’s fall and death: 32 years old when he died making it an 8th house year profection with Jupiter and Mars in the profected house. Death by shooting (Mars, piercing and severing).
Ruler of 7th (close relationships and open enemies) is Jupiter, falling in his profected 8th house. Mars ruling his 11th relates to groups and social circles also falls in his 8th. Wilson, who killed him, was someone Gatsby has met in passing once through Daisy/Tom.
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