leo is inconjunct capricorn. planets that inconjunct are 150° apart and the aspect involves painful integration + irritation between both of the signs’ energies bc of a lack of understanding, but ppl with these placements are drawn to each other and can grow from the experience https://twitter.com/nostalgicuitra/status/1305621333758414855
attracting people whose sun sign is inconjunct yours can reveal blind spots in your personality + ego and teach you (OR them) a karmic lesson. they get a bad rep bc of how easy it is for misunderstandings and hardship to occur but you’re supposed to learn something from it
whenever you see someone hating on a specific sign (like geminis hating on scorpios or leos hating on capricorns) it’s likely they’ve had an experience with someone whose sun or moon was inconjunct theirs and they haven’t healed from it
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