The New Financial System, a thread:
1/7) The current monetary policy has weighed down the financial system for so long, there’s no end in site, no line is going to be drawn, because it would’ve been drawn already. $10 trillion US debt, we’ll worry about it later, $20 trillion US debt, we’ll worry about it later.
2/7) This constant can kicking only leads to one doom-and-gloom event which will be one in a century. The Fed have reached a limit in terms of the tools they can use to interfere in the financial system. The debt has gotten so far out of hand that it’s simply irreversible.
3/7) The interest rate has decreased so much that they simply cannot raise it any further due to definite economic collapse, the next thing will inevitably be negative interest rates, and that’s a whole other story to be covered.
4/7) A new financial system will be born, one developed digitally containing the blockchain system where a digital currency will be issued. This digital currency will be trackable all over the world, there will be no hiding, just complete surveillance.
5/7) Further increasing control over everything you do in your life as if they didn’t already have enough control. If you want to know what America will look like tomorrow, look at China today.
6/7) My concern for #Bitcoin is that it will be outlawed as a competing “currency” to the new financial system. This is my one and only concern for Bitcoin as a lover of everything it stands for and how it is structured and operated, one can only see its future uncertainty.
7/7) Despite this, my accumulation of #Bitcoin will still go on because this is hypothetical and I truly want to believe in the best, because it is the best asset, but I’m also pessimistic on the uncertainties which have a reasonable probability of occurring.
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