13 years ago today, Summorum Pontificum came into effect, after having been announced on July the 7th of that same year, and following years of efforts and petitions from the SSPX to Rome. A few thoughts on today's anniversary of the propagation of the Tridentine Mass:
In the past decade, praise God, the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass has increased, with 489 chapels in the US alone providing the Tridentine Mass, per a survey from 2019. While it is not a complete victory for Tradition, it is a step in the right direction.
And, while some may opine otherwise, the above is absolutely due to the courageous work of Archbishop Lefebvre "having maintained us in this fidelity to the Mass of all times in the name of true obedience, and against all the abuses of power."
Third, we can clearly see from Rome's text "...that it was never abrogated. And so fidelity to this Mass—for the sake of which so many priests and lay people have been persecuted, or even severely punished, for almost 40 years—this fidelity was never disobedience."
For more on the SSPX position & response on Summorum Pontificum, see the original statement released by then-SSPX Superior General, Bp. Bernard Fellay in 2007. Quotes above taken from the same statement. https://sspx.org/en/publications/newsletters/bishop-fellay-summorum-pontificum-2755
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