This display is at @ShoeStation in Jackson Mississippi. Since when does a shoe store become political. A lot of black people shop here and KNOW Trump is racist. I will no longer shop here. what you do so well please!
Photo credit..a JSU floormate/friend. I forgot to add that I was so mad.
So @ShoeStation spoke person is now saying that the store is closed due to the hurricane which is A LIE as well. We haven't closed shit because we not getting hit by anything hell I just told my kid to take her bath for school in the a.m.
This was a stand alone can tell it wasn't cropped. When you are a manager in a store you get a matrix etc. Everything is streamed lined. May be flipped areas but...nah...what the shoe station posted was not what was seen at this particular store.
Ain't no Biden display next to this display
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