This is reckless and dangerous. It's almost certainly going to fuel discrimination and violence against trans women. Especially because JKR makes no meaningful distinction between "trans women" and "cis men who dress up as women." She has explicitly, repeatedly, said this.
The next time someone who reads @jk_rowling's book sees a trans woman, they're going to feel afraid: "what if... what if that's actually a murderer in disguise????"

It doesn't matter if her intention is, or isn't, to fuel fear of trans women.

She is fueling fear of trans women.
And this gets to the core of the whole bathroom debate.

@jk_rowling has written that she does NOT think most trans women are dangerous. But, none of us can be trusted in women's bathrooms, because any one of us COULD be dangerous, and there's just no way to know.
Compare to some things other people say:

"Not all immigrants are criminals, but they might be, so we can't let them in!"

"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but they might be, so we can't let them in!"

"Not all black people are dangerous, but they might be!"
This is the same rhetoric that stokes fear of all minority groups: the fear that, even if the vast, vast, vast majority of people aren't dangerous, YOU CAN NEVER KNOW.
And that's why JKR's book is so dangerous. That is why her words have ALREADY been fueling fear and hate of trans women.... regardless of her intentions.
Please know:

"Trans women" and "cis male criminals who dress as women to fool you" are NOT the same group, and must never be treated as if they are.

It is dangerous to even *suggest* they're the same - including by using fear of one to justify policies regarding the other.
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