Here are three gifts from Screenwriters of #WinterBegonia #鬓边不是海棠红

- Alternative Ending (link on bilibibili:

- OST of the novel WB ()

- Episode of Xue Qianshan's wedding with a Japanese Woman 8pages (Cr.: illatte伊拉特)
There are lit. non eng. subbed Video/translations of interviews with YZ nor HXZ bout #WinterBegonia #鬓边不是海棠红
@bonbonruru translated most parts of their chat for 克拉克拉. Here is the link.

byu || 磕学家 is a godsend for all WB fans🙏🙏🙏
if someone is interested in #WinterBegonia #鬓边不是海棠红 timeline

According to this post, the story begins in late Nov/early Dec. 1936 and ends Dec 1937.
(Jiuren posted somewhere the story ends in the beginning of 1938 tho)
you want to rewatch a favourite scene of #WinterBegonia #鬓边不是海棠红, but you don't know in which eps.? Don't worry. Here is the episode guide. @BegoniaWinter completed the descriptions of whole 49 episodes (& character descriptions)
#WinterBegonia #鬓边不是海棠红 review by Avenue X

A Crash Course in Beijing Opera by Avenue X

Winter Begonia's Beijing Opera References by Avenue X
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