Forced sterilization is genocide.

ICE is performing mass hysterectomies on immigrant women. ICE is committing genocide.

It is part of a long history of eugenics and assaults on reproductive freedom in the United States — a system that directly inspired the Nazi regime. (THREAD)
The film No Más Bebés tells the story of how Mexican and Mexican-American women in Los Angeles were coerced into involuntary sterilizations.

One woman recalls thinking “[They] must’ve thought, ‘This one has so many kids, we’ll just sew her up.’’
In 1973, two Black sisters, Minnie and Marie Relf, were secretly sterilized at a federally-funded agency under the premise of getting birth control shots.

Their lawsuit drew national attention to how poor Black women were being targeted by sterilization.
Forced sterilization is genocide.

It's also been U.S. policy for generations, targeting Black & Indigenous women, Puerto Ricans & Latinas in LA, incarcerated people & people w/ disabilities.

Now ICE is performing mass hysterectomies.

We've seen this before. We must rise up.
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