Thread. #MedicineBags Info needed by all First Responders, Hospital Emergency Dept. staff and Coroners. Should you ever have a Pt who is Native American, or of Canada's First Nations; and that Pt. is unconscious, you may find they have a small bag worn around their neck.
Generally made of animal hide and secured around the neck by a hide strap. They will contain various items. The Medicine Bag and contents are SACRED ITEMS to the wearer. Please do NOT open them or empty them!! If you are required to cut the Medicine Bag off of your Pt.,
please cut as proximal to the knot and as distal from where the neck strap attaches to the bag as possible! Should your Pt. recover, they will want the Medicine Bag back, and this simple courtesy will enable it to be worn right away.
Whenever possible or practical, remove it without cutting it off. Should the Pt. not survive, their NOK will almost certainly want the Medicine Bag back to be interred with their loved one.
These are not affectations for us, but have deep spiritual meaning: as such any effort you take to preserve them will be not only the right thing to do, but will be deeply appreciated.
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