Can writing opportunities please NOT just be for the 18-30 year olds? I’m tired of these presumptions that by the time you’re 30 you should have “it by now” as a writer. No. I’m 33 and still looking for the opportunities, the guidance and advice to develop further.
These certain age brackets for really great writing opportunities really adds salt to the wound for those who are outside of it. This idea that once you’re 30+ you shouldn’t be receiving any further help. Like, are you alright?
There’s a really great writing opportunity that’s arisen and though I’m not knocking the brand themselves, you can already really see that by adding an age limit to this said opportunity, they know specifically who it is they’re looking for, and I personally find it annoying.
How ageist we have become to not give further space to those that are literally scraping all that they can to fit in let alone find it . I’ve been writing all my life, professionally for 10 & what a joy it would be for writing opportunities to not stop at 30! But what do I know?
I’ve self published twice, have written for both the Stage and Screen, whether this went into fruition or not, I’ve written for various literary journals and online publications and I have to suddenly “have it by now” because I’m 30? Make it make sense please.
I’m over the age for certain writing opportunities which could help out the path I’m on, so I really do think the limitations should be thought out carefully. Stopping the opportunities at 30 for instance doesn’t mean writers after that age should stop too. They want help also.
Bear with me on writing this thread late at night. I’ve had a long busy day. I hope I’ve made my points clear. Any creative opportunity shouldn’t stop at 30. Let there be more inclusion for the over 30s. Understand elders have tools they’d like to develop and seek advice on.
I shared these thoughts on IG and a lot of messages came through agreeing with how brands and establishments offer out opportunities to the over 30s.
In conclusion, it’s about questioning why some brands/establishments wish to just focus on publishing the voices of certain age brackets knowing that it already comprises further additional voices.
There has to be a balance between the young writer and the elders. Writing itself does not have a age limit yet within publishing it does. Where is the logic?
I’m receiving many notifications at the moment so apologies if I can’t reply to all but I can definitely see the frustration amongst elder writers. Question now is what next? What can brands/establishments do to offer more for writers over 30?
Have read so many of your thoughts and experiences that pretty much go in the line with this thread. The opportunities for writers between 18-30 are of course fantastic but that doesn’t mean it should be far and few in between for those over the age of 30.
Brands and establishments have so much more work to do, and with this thread being the most “liked” and “quoted” I hope change can commence for giving the opportunities to writers over the age of 30 and not just the young ones.
Have been inundated by all your thoughts and views regarding the ageism conversation within the writing and poetry field. I don’t claim to be an expert on this. I just call out an issue that undeniably needs dismantling. An opportunity is an opportunity so why put an age limit?
It’s the responsibility of the publishing houses to break down the limitations & expand more with inclusivity. I understand that running a publishing house requires a lot of work and strong team network. But a simple explanation as to why the age limits are put there would help.
I can’t conclude this thread because this isn’t a conversation that has a definitive answer. But very much so, there has to be an equal representation of opportunity for both young and elder writers. That’s all I’d like to see. It shouldn’t be that hard.
So so many of you agree to how much ageism plays it’s part not just in writing and poetry but in all areas of the Arts. Of course I’m fully aware that ageism in itself is a social issue full stop, but let’s retain its focus to the Arts.
I originally trained and worked as an actor for ten years before I shifted more into writing. I had seen so many elder actors lose out on work because the work itself was never really created in the first place.
Stories cover all ages, races, genders and classes. Art has a responsibility to reflect society in all its pigmentations as much as possible. Life doesn’t stop when you’re 30. This is truly a systemic issue here.
To draw this more into writing and poetry, all experiences are just as valid. But we also have to realise, depending on reader age and the attention it draws, an experience from an 18 year old is going to be more accepting than that of a 30 year old+ or even a 40 year old+.
It shouldn’t have to be that way but sadly it is. How many of you can reel off contemporary writers and poets who are within the 18-30 age bracket and have the tools to make their career successful? If you can do that, fantastic.
Now, let’s ask about how many contemporary writers and poets can you reel off who are outside the common age brackets, who have the tools to keep their career consistent even though they started a little bit later. Again, if you can do that, brilliant.
Truth of the matter is that ageism in publishing is very real and how many well established writers and poets are calling out on this? Not because it’s about “rocking the boat” and creating controversy, but simply because they want to genuinely know about the welfare of writers.
By creating age limits the welfare of writers and poets regardless of their experience have already been hindered. Especially in this time where creating more inclusivity has been seen as the “topic of discussion”.
I’m genuinely trying to figure out how writers and poets can be equally seen through the eyes of the publishing houses and the opportunities that are offered. If voices are important in storytelling then our ages shouldn’t be a problem, a limit, a hindrance.
Thank you to all your thoughts shared regarding ageism in publishing and fundamentally all areas of the Arts. As I’ve already highlighted I do not claim to be an expert. I just want to show a very serious issue that fundamentally is and can be a detriment to voices all over.
Your thoughts and opinions still continue to come through. I didn’t expect such responses from all of you. It’s wonderful to see that you haven’t let your age be your own burden to your creativity. Keep going!
I just felt it was my duty to share some thoughts. I can’t even begin to share with you all how much needs to change regarding age, class, race and gender within the Arts. These opinions matter and these opinions need to be considered for action to take place.
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