Slava's solution to most of America's problems:
For anyone. Under any circumstances. At all. Take them all. Melt them down. Zero gun policy. Federally. Mandatorily. Decisively. Finally. No exceptions.
Not for police. Not for the military. For nobody...
But Slava! Surely the military can have guns! How will we fight wars?
My boy, we have nukes. Why did we build them big-ass bombs? To walk around popping mofos one by one? Fuck this shit!
But Slava! What about the police?
Well, yeah, I guess, they will have to actually like, talk to brown people and shit now. We might have to hire some new people, maybe. Hey, we did this with teachers. Tough cookies.
But Slava! I live in Fucking Hellhole, SD! We literally need guns to survive here, or else the bears getcha. And my sister lives in Seriously Why Are We Even Here, AK! They have motherfucking wolves everywhere!
Easy. MOVE! Nature obviously doesn't welcome you there. Try Oklahoma.
But Slava! It's ma cunstityoushinl raaaats! Ma granpappy died at Gettysburg (damn you, Longstreet!) so I could enjoy ma freedumz.
Your granpappy also had another constitutional right - to own people. We took that away, because it was fucking nuts. Same here.
But Slava! I am a fucking lunatic who gets a chubby from holding an instrument of war and shooting it, and all I ever dream about is an excuse to use it on people!
Great! Have I told you about the exciting world of GTA V? Or, maybe, an enticing career in being a fucking prisoner?
But Slava! We have lost a war on drugs. How do you suppose we win a war on guns?
Easy. Stop the war on drugs. Sign a peace treaty with drugs and ally with them in the war against guns. It will be over by Christmas.
So, I don't know. Maybe living in a world where you can be reasonably sure your child will come home from school is not a dream for you. Maybe living in a country where I cop doesn't spasmodically reach for his piece every time a brown suspect twitches a muscle doesn't sound nice
But it is, and it does, for me. And, trust me, this is the easiest solution available.

But Slava! I am a US Senator from Texas and I fucking love my machine gun bacon!
I communist America, we use pans, moron.
Also, The Walking Dead thing will never happen. Dead people can't walk, they can't eat, they definitely can't growl. Death prevents them from locomotion of any type. You WILL NOT need to fight back boundless hordes of the dead.
Read a book without pictures once!!!!
Peace out.
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